Whether you're promoting your website through link exchanges, newsletter ads, banner ads, or any other method, here's a few key reasons why promoting content links instead of your home page can bring you more traffic:
Content Is Unique & Effective
Using content links is a unique, effective approach to getting your website more attention. Instead of trying to promote your entire site, you can break it up into smaller, bite-sized pieces. You don't need to convince potential viewers that your website is the best site for them; all you need to do is promote the content they're looking for.
Content Is Less Intrusive
There's a lot of advertising messages on the Internet today. Most viewers know what ads look like and regularly ignore them. Promoting your site as content cuts through this barrier. Without the negative gut-response that a typical advertisement usually creates, the viewer can be a lot more receptive. Instead of trying to convince someone to visit your web page, wouldn't you rather point them in the direction of content they may already be interested in?
Content Adds Value
If your website is an arcade website, you are competing with thousands of other websites that are very similar in content. If you can get web surfers straight to the games they're looking for, you save them time and capture their attention. For instance, a link to play Tower Defense (or a group of content links) adds more value than an ad that says "Click Here to Visit Our Arcade".
Wednesday, April 15, 2009