Its traffic important?
Isn't it great how we have to be so politically correct these days. We can't say that people are broke anymore. We have to call them monetarily challenged. Well, if that's you, and you're wondering how you can drive traffic to your site without spending a dime, you might want to read this article. In spite of what you might have heard, there ARE effective forms of promotion out there that don't require you to shell out a whole lot of money for. This article is going to share a few of my secrets. Hope you get something out of this.
What most people don't realize is that it's not money that makes the Internet go's content. Go look up just about anything at all at the Google search engine and you'll find content...more specifically articles. Oh yes, sometimes the content will be in the form of videos or audio files, but for the most part, the written word is what makes the Internet run. Well guess what? It doesn't cost anything to get content on the Internet.
One way is by simply putting up a blog. And yes, you can do this absolutely free. Blogger is a great blogging platform that not only is free but will allow you to use your blog for promotional purposes. As long as you have relevant content on the blog (not a spam blog) they will have no problem with it. You can then make money from these blogs through AdSense, affiliate programs, CPA offers and many other things.
If you have your own web site already, you can drive traffic to that site via article submissions. There are a number of great article directories on the Internet.
Make your own article it is better that is unique so that google SEO will find your more relevant and placed it to the higher page rank..
Wednesday, April 15, 2009