With the cost of creating and using banner advertisements dropping drastically, more websites and businesses are using them to attract visitors and drive sales. But are you getting the most bang for your buck? Could a small tweak be holding you back from more clicks and money?
Here is a quick checklist of five important but often overlooked parts of a successful banner ad, either one you make yourself or one a designer makes for you:
Have a specific call to action - "Click here" is a call to action because is asks the user to do something, but it's vague and won't help your ad stand out. Try adding something more descriptive like "Learn More" or "Buy Now" to your banner ad. It not only encourages people to click on your ad, it also tells them exactly what you want them to do when they get there.
Work on a punchy headline - If you're stuck, you can even try the best-performing headline from your Google or Yahoo paid search advertising. Basically, the fewer words, the better. Make it clear and compelling. If you try to be too clever, you risk confusing the reader, who may only be looking at your banner for a moment.
Have the background color stand out from the web page - If you're placing your banner ad on a specific webpage, note the background color so your ad doesn't blend in. Many pages have a white background, giving you a great opportunity to choose a bold color for your banner.
Get a good spot - It sounds obvious, but make sure you know where on a web page or in an email newsletter your banner ad will appear. Is it front and center or is it buried "below the fold" (meaning people need to scroll down to find it)? While larger ads and more prominent placements will likely give you more clicks, smaller ads have their advantage too: they often cost less.
Make it blink (just kidding) - While it may be tempting to have a shaking or blinking ad, fight the urge. Banner advertising is not just about getting clicks but also building enough trust with your customer that they'll do business with you when they arrive on your site. Show that you respect them by not making them dizzy.
Most of these changes aren't huge, but they could be just the thing to turn an average banner ad into a top performer by sending people and sales directly to your website.
Thursday, April 16, 2009