Here's A Small Sample Of What You'll Learn In The Affiliate Black Book:
*How the author managed to drive his competitors bids up to the roof and burn their advertising budget and be on his own in the ads game.
* How you 'll be able to uncover your competitors ad campaign details including bid prices, ads ctr, keywords and many more...
* A tool that helped the author to double his sales with the exact same traffic, thus doubling his conversions rate.
* You 'll learn all about the exact strategy that the million dollar direct marketing company named Dell uses to create urgency on autopilot and you 'll get a powerful script as a bonus.
* You 'll learn how to create a optin page that Google will love and how doing that will bring you a ton of traffic from an unexpected source.
* A genius method to create instant cash as an affiliate, that strategy on its own worths more that the price of the Affiliate Blackbook, this is something absolutely ingenius, it's not for everyone but if you have what it takes then you 'll just be amazed.
* How to get other affiliates to send traffic to you and help you build your list in any niche, Free, and thank you for that.* Find laser targeted traffic for cents and all comes from Google, errr... or sort of.
* How to create a squezze page that Google will fall in love with